Happy Holidays From The Scope

There really was supposed to be a “Very Special Holiday” edition of The Scope…but between some sort of nasty mucus virus and a couple of holiday vacations, it never quite came together. Lest you think it would have been a boring show, we had plans to tell tales of Christmas past, with sugar plums and carefully hung stockings.

But it didn’t happen. And here we are. The best your Scope crew can do is wish all of you, our treasured fans, a happy and safe holiday (no matter what you celebrate!) We all hope you can spend it with people you love, away from the “rat-race,” and completely liquored up. But no mean drunk action. Only happy, semi-sloppy boozing need apply.

Your Scope crew hopes to be back December 31st with a grand New Year’s Eve program. But until then, enjoy the season, folks!

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 8:42 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on Happy Holidays From The Scope  |  

The Scope Ghost of Christmas Past

Merry Christmas Eve, Scopers.

Yes, we already posted our annual holiday message. But it wouldn’t be The Scope if we didn’t repost one of the best examples of photoshopped goodness to ever come from your favorite podcast.

It’s an oldie but goodie. Our first holiday greeting image. Enjoy.

Happy Holidays (again!)

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 1:10 am (CST)  |  Comments: 1  |  

Happy Seasonally-Appropriate Holiday From The Scope

The Scope crew wants to wish everyone out there an exciting, safe, and satisfying holiday, whatever it is you may celebrate!

Also, we want to thank all of our fans for the years of unending support. No lie…every tweet, email, facebook post, and voicemail you may leave is greatly appreciated. We look forward to many more shows (from mediocre to kick-ass) in the upcoming year of 2011. Please stick around for the ride! (But there probably won’t be many lightcycles. Sorry ’bout that.)

One programming note: we’re not sure if there will be one final show in 2010…but as always, we’ll keep you kids posted!

Happy Holidays, ninjas!

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 2:54 pm (CST)  |  Comments Off on Happy Seasonally-Appropriate Holiday From The Scope  |  

The first ever Scope Madness is coming…and we need YOUR help!

Hey, Scope Superfans!

We’re in the middle of planning a grand event and we REALLY need our listeners to help us out to make this thing work.

We’re calling it, simply enough, Scope Madness (in honor of the upcoming NCAA March Madness tourney.) That being said, there will be no basketball or athletics of any kind attached to this event. Frankly, we’d be lucky if we could throw the ball up high enough to even hit the rim.

This tournament revolves around the greatest popular music ever produced…and this is where you, our faithful listeners, come into play.

We’d like each and every one of you to think about your favorite songs of all time. Once you’ve done that, send us your list consisting of:

1. Your favorite song of the 2000s.
2. Your favorite song of the 1990s.
3. Your favorite song of the 1980s.
4. Your favorite song released prior to 1980
(that’s 1979 and older for those of you that don’t understand.)

If you want to send more than one selection, please feel free. The more songs we get, the better Scope Madness will be!

Once we get all of your selections, we’ll place the music into brackets and through healthy debate, ridicule, and taunting, whittle the list down to one ultimate song. Trust us, it’ll be amazing. Or maybe just a great way to fill up a show.

So please, start thinking about your favorite songs. And get your list back to the Scope via facebook, our website, comments@thescopeshow.com, or our voicemail line (646-495-9201 x 70055.)

We’ll be accepting submissions until at least March 20, 2010. But we’ll keep you posted if that changes.

Thanks for your support and help, Scope fans!

Hugs and kisses,
The Scope Triumvirate
(Jared, Adam, and Shane)

Category: Miscellaneous, News, Show Related  |  Time: 11:05 am (CST)  |  Comments: 2  |  

Holiday Greetings from your pals at The Scope

Your Scope hosts want to take a quick moment from the buckets of eggnog and mountains of candy canes to wish everyone out there the best this holiday season. No matter what you celebrate, we hope it is full of fun, festivities, and time spent with family and friends.

Yes, even Adam is in on this one.

Stay safe, have a great time, and prepare yourself for The Scope New Year’s Eve Special. We’re not quite sure when we’re recording it…but we’ll let you know when we come up with a date and time.

Peace out!

J, A, and S

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 10:34 am (CST)  |  Comments: 1  |  

Final G.I. Joe Commentary from Spielbay

The final G.I. Joe PSA video is now available.

Will you see the movie anyway? Yeah, we probably will too.

Category: Miscellaneous  |  Time: 1:55 pm (CST)  |  Comments Off on Final G.I. Joe Commentary from Spielbay  |  

More G.I. Joe Commentary From Spielbay

Spielbay is doing important work. This video explains how to handle the side effects of watching G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Category: Miscellaneous  |  Time: 11:27 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on More G.I. Joe Commentary From Spielbay  |  

Spielbay Returns To Mock G.I. Joe

While you wait for us to return from summer break, enjoy the latest from Spielbay.

Category: Miscellaneous  |  Time: 2:24 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 1  |  

Scope News Alert: It’s a Good News Bad News Kind of Thing

Attention all Scopeamaniacs!

We know you can’t get enough of our Scope antics, so we graciously accepted Scope-friend John Norton’s invitation to participate in the latest episode of “Zero Hour with John Norton.” Find out if we can figure out non-typical areas for comb-overs. Find out if Adam actually makes an effort to appear on someone else’s podcast over his own. And find out if John Norton can masterfully edit down the ramblings of three crazy Minnesotans. Personally, we hope he can. What are you waiting for? Start listening now.

Also, it is that time of year again when summer impacts our schedule. That means we won’t be recording a new show next week. We’ll be sure to let you know when episode 78 is on the docket.

Thanks for listening. From our hearts to yours. Thump thump thump….

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 9:33 pm (CST)  |  Comments Off on Scope News Alert: It’s a Good News Bad News Kind of Thing  |  

An undeserved week off

Due to MarsCON 2009, your Scope crew will be taking seven additional days off. We’d like to say that extra week will bring you all sorts of added, super-awesome content…but we’d be lying. The Scope is marginal at best. And any more time won’t change that sad fact.

That being said, we’ll be back with the first-ever “Fan Show!” That means your input will decide the direction of the show. So send any questions, comments, or topic suggestions to us and we’ll do our best to address them on this or another show. It should be spectacular! We’ll also swing the review sledgehammer at the new U2 album and the TV show, Big Bang Theory.

Thanks for hanging with us! A new show will be posted by March 16th, 2009.

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 9:00 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on An undeserved week off  |