Happy Holidays From The Scope

There really was supposed to be a “Very Special Holiday” edition of The Scope…but between some sort of nasty mucus virus and a couple of holiday vacations, it never quite came together. Lest you think it would have been a boring show, we had plans to tell tales of Christmas past, with sugar plums and carefully hung stockings.

But it didn’t happen. And here we are. The best your Scope crew can do is wish all of you, our treasured fans, a happy and safe holiday (no matter what you celebrate!) We all hope you can spend it with people you love, away from the “rat-race,” and completely liquored up. But no mean drunk action. Only happy, semi-sloppy boozing need apply.

Your Scope crew hopes to be back December 31st with a grand New Year’s Eve program. But until then, enjoy the season, folks!

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 8:42 am (CST)  |  

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