Scope Instant Review: Kick-Ass 2

This edition of The Scope Summer Movie Slam brings you Kick-Ass 2, the sequel to the 2010 comic book movie, (appropriately titled, btw) Kick-Ass. Kick-Ass 2 features the further insane superhero adventures of Dave and Mindy. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Kick-Ass movie if there wasn’t tons of violence, dark humor, and severed appendages.

But the biggest question still remains: what will Shane and Jared think yet another summer sequel? Well, download the review and find out, punks!

The Scope Kick-Ass 2 instant review is amazed how many times it got to type the word “ass” in the review teaser text.

3 ¼ Stars – Kick-Ass 2

Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 4:05 pm (CST)  |  

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