Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Walk

Whether you are a fan of wires, heights, or the combination of both wires and heights, the new film, The Walk, directed by Robert Zemeckis, will certainly give you your fill.

Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, this movie tells the true life tale of Philippe Petit and his wire walk between the World Trade Center Towers. And who better to give you the latest Scope movie review than Jared and Shane, both self-proclaimed circus stunt junkies?

Answer: NO ONE.

So strap on your high wire booties and assemble your balancing stick, because your Scope crew is going to tell it like it is. And they’ll do it without any sort of IMAX shenanigans.

The Scope The Walk movie review isn’t sold on the french accent.

2 Stars – The Walk

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Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

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Episode 213: New Chairs Are Our Future

Your favorite podcasting trio is back with another stellar episode of The Scope. This time around, the boys fill you in on the important things in their lives. We’re talking jobs, college degrees and possibly the most important modern days archaeologic discovery in the history of the world. Or, at the very least, Shane’s parents’ house.

So listen intently as Jared, Adam and (mostly) Shane tear open an emotional vein. It’s getting real up in here, folks.

The Scope episode 213 didn’t know Jared was into wrestling. Why? Because it didn’t come up.

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

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Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Martian

It’s been a while, but Shane is back with Jared for another excellent Scope movie review. This time around, the guys tackle The Martian, the film adaptation of Andy Weir’s acclaimed novel.

The Martian stars Matt Damon (along with about a billion other well-known actors) as a cool, funny, and altogether neat astronaut who’s been stranded on the planet Mars. Will he ever make it back to Earth? Hell, will he even last a few weeks?

Well, your Scope hosts aren’t saying. But they will give you one fantastic movie review for your troubles. So get to making haste and start listening (or watching) right NOW!

The Scope The Martian review would not be able to grow potatoes on the red planet. Or the green planet, for that matter.

3 ¼ Stars – The Martian

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Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

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Episode 212: The 2015 Fall TV Preview

Are you ready to be overwhelmed by a bunch of new television programs? Well, The Scope and its hosts are here to help.

In the latest episode of Scoptastic goodness, Jared, Adam, and Shane break down the good, bad, and the superheroic shows of Autumn, 2015. By the time you get to the end of this fabulous edition of The Scope, you’ll know exactly what to watch and what to ignore on the old “boob tube.”

So stop stalling. Time is running out! Start listening (or watching if you are modern) right now! Your television sanity hangs in the balance!

The Scope episode 212 wants to Fathom everything!

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

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Episode 211: Sponsored by Gushers

Summer vacation is over and that means Scope school is back in session. Jared, Adam, and Shane return to talk football, Vincent Diesel, and fruit snacks. Not to mention a whole lot of other newsy type things, too.

It’s a very talky episode (and that’s a good thing because The Scope is a talk show, if you think about it.) So buckle up, buttercup. The Scope is back and on the attack. Or at least it’s into rhyming.

The Scope episode 211 loves a great Kool Keith voicemail message.

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

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