Episode 152: Poppin’ Ps with Steve Jabs

The brave pod/videocasting experiment pushes forward with another brand-new edition. This time around, Jared, Adam, and Shane try desperately to keep the show short…with mixed results. But they are completely successful in covering all of the nerd news fit to print. And that, and the end of the day, is all that really matters.

Don’t take our word for it. Watch and/or listen (or even better, do both!) and find out for yourselves.

The Scope episode 152 is a big fan of the hot new band, Professor Cat.

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Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

One Comment on “Episode 152: Poppin’ Ps with Steve Jabs”
  1. Madmike said:
    October 1st, 2013 2:41 PM

    Once again someone has underestimated the Pittsburgh Steelers. This time in there ability to loose even when presented with an equally bad team. We’re Number 29!!! But with the classic Steeler determination we will be, Number 32! This goes to show not even Minnesota can stop their run for last place!

    I think it should me mentioned I am a Cleveland Fan living in Pittsburgh.