Under The Scope | Movie Review: San Andreas

It wouldn’t be The Scope summer movie season without a good, old-fashioned disaster film. In this year of 2015, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson will bring it to you in the form of San Andreas, a Michael Bay-ish film that just may destroy the entire California coast.

So buckle up and get ready for multiple earthquakes, a big old tsunami, a pair of charming British brothers, drowning, The Rock piloting over land and sea and air, and plenty of family melodrama right in the middle of the biggest natural disaster ever to strike North America.

It’s crazy. It’s chaotic. It’s another appropriate word that starts with the letter, “C.” But you’ll have to watch (or listen to) the review from Jared and Shane to see if it’s Scopeworthy. So get to it, Scope fans. the fate of California depends on it.

It’s been a while since The Scope San Andreas movie review got to second base.

1 Stars – San Andreas

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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 9:00 am (CST)  |  

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