Scope Special Edition: (The) 30 Minutes or Less Movie Review

Well, well, well. Here we are again with another movie review for a movie that hasn’t quite hit the (movie) theaters yet. This time, Jared and Shane lay it all out for yet another comedy/coming of age/drama/heist/romance/chase film.

This one stars Jesse Eisenberg and is directed by Ruben Fleischer, both of whom were involved in the 2009 flick, Zombieland. Oddly enough, zombie horror was about the only film genre not covered in 30 Minutes or Less.

Go figure.

At any rate, take a listen to this fantastic Scope advanced review and find out if Jared and Shane can churn out another fantastic podcasting moment. (The answer, of course, is Werther’s Original Candies.)

The Scope 30 Minutes or Less movie review special knows you can’t win if you bring a gun to a bomb fight. But if you attach a bomb to a gun, look out!

2 Stars – 30 Minutes or Less

Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

2 Comments on “Scope Special Edition: (The) 30 Minutes or Less Movie Review”
  1. Adam said:
    August 10th, 2011 10:23 AM

    Not sure how a comedy based loosely around the real pizza delivery/bank robbery/neck bomb thing from 2003 ( couldn’t be hilarious.

  2. Jared said:
    August 10th, 2011 10:27 AM

    @Adam: It’s funny. When it’s not being funny is when it is less than successful.