The first ever Scope Madness is coming…and we need YOUR help!

Hey, Scope Superfans!

We’re in the middle of planning a grand event and we REALLY need our listeners to help us out to make this thing work.

We’re calling it, simply enough, Scope Madness (in honor of the upcoming NCAA March Madness tourney.) That being said, there will be no basketball or athletics of any kind attached to this event. Frankly, we’d be lucky if we could throw the ball up high enough to even hit the rim.

This tournament revolves around the greatest popular music ever produced…and this is where you, our faithful listeners, come into play.

We’d like each and every one of you to think about your favorite songs of all time. Once you’ve done that, send us your list consisting of:

1. Your favorite song of the 2000s.
2. Your favorite song of the 1990s.
3. Your favorite song of the 1980s.
4. Your favorite song released prior to 1980
(that’s 1979 and older for those of you that don’t understand.)

If you want to send more than one selection, please feel free. The more songs we get, the better Scope Madness will be!

Once we get all of your selections, we’ll place the music into brackets and through healthy debate, ridicule, and taunting, whittle the list down to one ultimate song. Trust us, it’ll be amazing. Or maybe just a great way to fill up a show.

So please, start thinking about your favorite songs. And get your list back to the Scope via facebook, our website,, or our voicemail line (646-495-9201 x 70055.)

We’ll be accepting submissions until at least March 20, 2010. But we’ll keep you posted if that changes.

Thanks for your support and help, Scope fans!

Hugs and kisses,
The Scope Triumvirate
(Jared, Adam, and Shane)

Category: Miscellaneous, News, Show Related  |  Time: 11:05 am (CST)  |  Comments: 2  |  

The Scope and Zero Hour’s Oscar Picks Chart

The Scope and our friends at Zero Hour with John Norton have both made our picks for the upcoming Academy Awards. Now you can follow along at home with the masters of pop culture by using this handy chart of all our picks from the major categories. Which host will reign supreme? You’ll know before we do!

2010 Oscar Picks

Category: Show Related  |  Time: 11:04 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on The Scope and Zero Hour’s Oscar Picks Chart  |  

Episode 85: Because You Demanded It…Monster Nique vs. Jackée

What happens when the dynamic duo of Jaréd and Shané decide to aim for a Scope episode that’s decidedly tighter than the usual effort?

Nearly one hour and twenty minutes, baby.

That being said, your Scope hosts had a lot to talk about. And it focused on the very connected topics of cat barf and Oscar picks. It’s a shame both Adam and Molly either couldn’t (or wouldn’t) be in the studio for such an important show. At least the remaining hosts made up for it by working on some excellent Arnold and Jackée imitations.

Sadly, there were no reviews this week. But, really, who needs reviews when you’ve got “Precious?”

The Scope Episode 85 is based on the novel, “Push,” by Sapphire.

Academy Awards Predictions

Category Jared Adam Shane
Actor Jeff Bridges Jeremy Renner Jeff Bridges
Supporting Actor Christoph Waltz Christoph Waltz Christoph Waltz
Actress Gabourey Sidibe Carey Mulligan Sandra Bullock
Supporting Actress Mo’Nique Mo’Nique Mo’Nique
Costume Design Doctor Parnasus Coco before Chanel The Young Victoria
Director Kathryn Bigelow Kathryn Bigelow Kathryn Bigelow
Picture The Hurt Locker The Hurt Locker The Hurt Locker
Total 5 4 7

Scope Sounds:
“Cathy!” – The Nick Atoms

Programming Note

Please remember to send your picks for the upcoming “Scope Madness,” our musical tribute to March Madness. What do you need to do? Just select your favorite songs from the 2000s, the 1990s, the 1980s, and one song from pre-1980s. We’ll rank them, debate them, whittle them down to one single song…the song that reigns supreme! Please, take a few minutes to help us out. Thanks, Scopefanatics!

Phone: 646-495-9201 x 70055

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments: 5  |  

Episode 84: LLLOL (Or What You Won’t Be Doing While Listening)

Have you ever been on an awkward first date with someone and not had any idea what to say? Well, your friends at The Scope try to craft an entire bit out of the concept of “conversation starter questions” with mixed and sometimes informative results. And the whole thing is helped along by Scope Music Expert Correspondent Al as he sits in on the show.

Yes, that means Adam, Scope resident lover-boy, was not in studio for episode 84. He was too busy wooing his lady friend with six roses (because twelve is overkill) and a bag of dark chocolate M&Ms.  Romance isn’t dead if Adam has anything to say about it.

The Scope Episode 84 didn’t buy you Valentine’s Day card. Now get in the kitchen and make some dinner!


2½ Stars – TransferenceSpoon

Scope Sounds:
“DiG DuG” – Insane Ian

Phone: 646-495-9201 x 70055

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 10:41 am (CST)  |  Comments: 2  |  

Episode 83: Please Alan, Don’t Hurt ‘Em.

After being smacked around by the year 2009 and cranky furnace, The Scope returns to entertain the masses. And what a glorious return it is.

The first regular episode of 2010 covers the grand choke-fest that was the NFC Championship game, the vocal styles of of Sir Arnold Schwarzenegger, and other hot/timely topics like Avatar and Jay Leno. We are so on top of things.

Of course,  it wouldn’t be a proper Scope show if there wasn’t a classic segment…and this time your Scope superstars fire up the Randomometer 2533 and take on the year 1990. It was quite a sight to see Jared float into his chair using his M.C. Hammer pants as a makeshift parachute.

The Scope Episode 83 is fine with using wacky soundboard applications six years too late.

Year In Review: 1990

Music: Fear of a Black PlanetPublic Enemy
Film: Pump Up the Volume

Music: BossanovaThe Pixies
Film: Kindergarten Cop

Music: ViolatorDepeche Mode
Film: Edward Scissorhands

Scope Sounds:
“Freedom Of Speech” – Above The Law

Phone: 646-495-9201 x 70055

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments: 3  |  

We’re Back To It

The furnace is replaced, and the stars have aligned… The Scope will record this Sunday! Look for a new episode on Monday, February 1.

Category: News  |  Time: 4:40 pm (CST)  |  Comments Off on We’re Back To It  |  

Failed Furnace Forces Fretful… Uh… Delay

Just as we were set to resume our recording schedule, another roadblock has appeared to thwart us. This time, it was Jared’s furnace taking a dirt nap. Avid listeners of The Scope know that the furnace doesn’t play an active role on the show, but since we record in Jared’s basement, the lack of forced-air comfort would result in a fresh batch of scopesicles.

Hopefully this delay is only for a week while the situation gets sorted out. We’ll let you know when we’re back on track.

Category: News  |  Time: 5:32 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 1  |  

Al’s Top 40 of 2009: #10-#1

Just in case you did not follow via Facebook updates.  Here are Al’s Top 10 of 2009:

#10) “(If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To” by Weezer

#9) “Screen Test” by Envy Corps

#8) “Cornerstone” by Arctic Monkeys

#7) “Velvet” by The Big Pink

#6) “James” by Camera Obscura

#5) “Help I’m Alive” by Metric

#4) “So Human” by Lady Sovereign

#3) “1901” by Phoenix

#2) “The Fixer” by Pearl Jam

#1) “Zero” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Category: Music  |  Time: 3:14 pm (CST)  |  Comments Off on Al’s Top 40 of 2009: #10-#1  |  

The Scope 4th Annual New Year’s Eve Special

Here it is, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. We partied like it was 2009, and you get to experience how that gradually altered our podcasting skill. Even Adam managed to appear in person to complete the mighty Scopetron, defender of the universe.

Join us as we recap why we were on an extended break, discuss our favorites from 2009, talk to special guests, and anoint our Party All-star. Did I mention Adam was there? Ah, yes, I did.

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:55 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 3  |